I once saw a meme that asked the question, “Did Satan really steal your joy or did you ask him to hold on to it until God gives you what you want?”
John 10 describes Satan as a thief and a robber. And he is! But he does not just walk in one day and take your love for God and others, your joy, your peace, etc...
Consider this verse:
“The bands of the wicked have robbed me: but I have not forgotten thy law.” Psalm 119:61
The word robbed is an interesting word. It means to protest solemnly or to go round and round with someone until they give it up and hand it over.
Satan goes round and round with you until you give it up! He is the voice of the stranger in John 10:5.
I have been told that my sister Cathy sounds exactly like me. I guess you could say we are voice twins.
When Dan and I were dating —before cell phones — Dan gave me a call at home while Cathy was visiting. Cathy answered the phone and Dan thought it was me… soooo Cathy played along! For a few minutes anyway.
The voice of a stranger can sound so very close to the voice of God. What the subtle serpent said to Eve in the garden was so close to what God had said but it was definitely not what God had said.
Satan did not walk into the garden and shove the proverbial apple down their throats. You can be sure he went round and round until Eve gave up her innocence and gave up her will to the voice of a stranger.
Adam and Eve lost that day. All of mankind lost. Why? Because they listened to and followed the voice of a stranger, the voice of the thief who comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy!
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
The voice of a stranger always leads to loss and down the path to destruction. As a sheep following Jesus we find protection in knowing the voice of our good Shepherd (John 10:4) and in not forgetting His law. (Psalm 119:61)
Loser Bible Study Series Theme Verse:
“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.” Mark 8:35
“Lose” from the Greek word “Apollymi” means “to destroy fully.” It is translated destroy in John 10:10, our verse for today.