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Day 11: I've Got Something to Lose

Writer's picture: Janice WolfeJanice Wolfe

Originally posted on Facebook January 20, 2021

When my son David was in grade school he took part in a decathlon track event for boys his age. There were ten events that involved jumping, throwing and racing. David had taken quite a few first place ribbons already that day. There was just one event left. If he won it, he would win over all. The last event was the mile run. I felt confident because I knew firsthand that David was quite a runner. I had been chasing him around since he had started walking.

The race started and David took off, got ahead and set his pace. He had quite the lead and looked to be a shoo-in for the win. Then about halfway through the race, one of his shoes untied, loosened and came off. Diddle diddle dumpling! One shoe off and one shoe on. Now that is no way to run a race! This slowed David down considerably, and a few of the boys caught up and got ahead. I was sitting on the bench screaming inside, “STOP THE RACE! Let him get his shoe on!”

David struggled along this way for a few laps. Then something amazing happened. With just a lap or so to go David kicked off the other shoe and took off in his sock feet and won the race!!

You heard it. He WON!! To this day that has been the greatest sporting event this mother has ever attended. :)

As far as shoes go, I feel they are pretty important in a race. At least until they get in the way of winning. Until they become the focus and not the race itself.

“Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭12:14

In our verse for today, we find the Pharisees ready to fully destroy (lose) the one Person who could save them. They held so tightly to their traditions. They clung to their interpretation of the law and the Sabbath. These things became their life and focus, not the Messiah who stood before them.

Philippians 3:1-14 tells the testimony of a Pharisee who counted all things but loss so that he might win Christ. The Apostle Paul, who “pressed toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus,” makes a bold statement about his very religious past.

“But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.” Philippians 3:7

In the race David was faced with losing the race or losing another shoe. Seems like a no brainer now, and yet I never thought to cry out to him, “Lose the shoe!” Each of us face our own, “I’ve got to lose something” moments in life. When that happens choose to win the race, not to keep the shoe. Choose to win Christ!!

Theme Verse:

“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.” Mark 8:35

“Lose” from the Greek word “Apollymi” means “to destroy fully.” It is translated “destroy” in our verse (Matthew 12:14) for today.


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