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Luke 4: Praying through Luke

Writer's picture: Janice WolfeJanice Wolfe

As I continue to challenge you to pray through Luke, I realize I am unable to write about this everyday. So I am just posting as I can.

There is so much in today’s chapter that is a blessing to me. 

We begin with the temptation Jesus faced in the wilderness after returning from Jordan where he was baptized by John the Baptist. As I read through this portion I was reminded of the Lord’s prayer and that we are to pray to be delivered. 

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: Matthew 6:13a

My prayer was for deliverance for myself and others (calling out my loved ones by name to God). 

  1. Satan will tempt us to use our own strength and power to focus on the temporal over the eternal. A good prayer would be for God to help us to “set our affections on things above” and to cling to the Word of God for strength and sustenance.

  2. Satan will tempt us to serve him and bow down to the things of this world by offering us the power in this world. Pray for God to deliver us from the idols we manufacture in our hearts and to help us to worship only Him.

  3. Satan will tempt us to try God or to put God to the test.  There have been a number of times in my life where someone has told me that they “tried God” and it did not work for them. We do not try God, we trust Him. I prayed for God to help us to be faithful to Him, believing Him and waiting on Him. 

  4. Temptation will return over and over throughout our life. Notice that Satan departed for just a season. Watch and pray for deliverance everyday. 

Next, I noticed that the power of the Holy Spirit was evident in the life of Christ. (Verses include 1, 14, 18, 32, and 36). Pray for power that the name of Jesus will be made known, that all will know the power of Jesus to save, and that Christ will be glorified by all. (Luke 4:14-15)

Verse 16 spoke to me in a special way as I read that it was the “custom” of Jesus to go to the synagogue. I prayed for many family members and loved ones who are not in church faithfully to find a good church where the Word of God is preached and to make it their habit to go and be faithful.

As I read the next verses, I was broken over the message of hope for healing and deliverance that we find in Christ alone. Jesus spoke the truth (vs 25) with “gracious words” (vs 22). He gave them a message of hope and healing yet they rejected Him.

I prayed through the broken hearts and bondage of many that I know. I prayed they would find healing in Christ. I prayed for healing for my own heart. Pain and hurt is a part of this sin-cursed world. Pray for the comfort and healing Christ promises to those who trust Him.

When Jesus was rejected, he went to the next city and preached the same good news of hope and healing. Help us not to quit when the truth of the gospel is rejected by others. This was the hometown of Christ. Rejection from those who know us best is the worst form of rejection. Jesus suffered that rejection for us so that we would have the opportunity to receive Him and His free gift of eternal life.

The devils accused Him of coming to destroy them. (vs 34) Strong language for sure. Yes, Jesus rebuked them by telling them to hold their peace. When we stop the lies of Satan and receive the truth of the Gospel, we can be delivered from the bondage of sin. I prayed for God to send out His light and His truth to our hearts. That the truth of God’s Word would be believed and received. 

In this chapter we see that Jesus was thrust out of one city (vs 29) and asked to stay in another. Jesus' response is the same whether there was rejection or reception.

He stays committed to preaching the kingdom of God.

And came down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the sabbath days. Luke 4:31

And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent. And he preached in the synagogues of Galilee. Luke 4:43-44

Pray for the gospel to be shared with your family, those in your city and around the world. Pray for God to keep you faithful. Sometimes we are stopped in our tracks by rejection and sometimes we are distracted by success. In defeat or victory let us continue to do what God has called each of us to do. Pray for daily strength to boldly share the gospel. 

I have heard it said that we are not called to be secret agents for Christ, but ambassadors representing Christ to this world. Prayer is our declaration of dependence on God as we boldly share the Gospel message of hope, healing and salvation. 

Please remember that I would love to hear from you if you have taken the challenge to pray through Luke in December.


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